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时间:2019-03-17 00:00 来源:占星网 作者:LIUYILOOK 点击: 次
转自:http://www.douban.com/note/186704178/一、感性认识希腊占星中星体的所谓统御关系(lordship或者rulership)不只是现在的300流占星中,入庙关系或者擢升关系,什么金星守护金牛和天秤等等简单关系,而是非常复杂的。也不是一些非希腊占星的古典占星中简单的计分的用法。而是有着严肃明确的用法和功能的。希腊占星的Lordship有很多种:A、Domicile Lord(所谓的宫主,入庙守护)B、Exaltation Lord(擢升守护)C、Trigonal Lord(类似印度占星敌友概念的守护)D、Conine Lord(界主,也叫term ruler,bound lord,limits)E、Trigon Lords(即所谓的三分主星Triplicity)F、Monomoira(degree ruler,具体到每个度数的ruler)
此外还有一些非lordship层面的,有decan/face,12th parts
A、内环为入庙层面的Lordship-Domicile Lord,即常规的土星守护水瓶和摩羯,木星守护双鱼射手等等。B、从内往外第二个环显示的是Exaltation Lord(擢升守护),空白的为没有擢升守护,比如太阳擢升于白羊,土星擢升于天秤。C、从内往外第三个环显示的是Trigon Lords(即所谓的三分主星Triplicity),下标有d,p,n。d-day,日生的主导三分主星n-night,夜生的主导三分主星p-共管三分主星D、从内往外第四个环显示的是decan/face(非lordship)F、最外面得环显示的confine lord(term ruler)2、
A、第二列显示的是入庙层面的Lordship-Domicile Lord,即常规的土星守护水瓶和摩羯,木星守护双鱼射手等等。B、第三列显示的是Exaltation Lord(擢升守护),空白的为没有擢升守护,比如太阳擢升于白羊,土星擢升于天秤。具体的度数表示最大擢升时的度数。C、第四列显示的是Trigon Lords(即所谓的三分主星Triplicity),下标有d,p,n。d-day,日生星体的主导三分主星n-night,夜生星体的主导三分主星p-共管三分主星D、第五列显示的是confine lord(term ruler)E、第六列显示的是decan/face(非lordship)3、
A、内环显示的是confine lord(term ruler)B、从内往外第二个环显示的是12th parts(非Lordship)C、从内往外第三个环显示的是decan/face(非lordship)4、
显示的degree ruler,最神秘的具体到度数的守护。6、
这个盘的文字是非英语系的,不过也不影响。、A、最外面的为恒星B、最外面往里数第一层即星座C、最外面往里数第二层为confine lord(term ruler)D、最外面往里数第三层为decan/face(非lordship)E、里面的两层是三分主星,不过没显示共管主星。二、感性认识后的理性认识(总体)1、希腊占星的这些星体的lordship反映的是星体与星体的互动关系,星体与宫位,点位(如lots,轴点,SAN)等互动关系。2、什么样的互动关系呢,比如出生一个家庭,宫内星为你自己,入庙守护为父母,擢升守护为爷爷奶奶等,Trigonal Lord(类似印度占星敌友概念的守护)为亲戚之类的,Conine Lord(界主,也叫term ruler,bound lord,limits)和Trigon Lords(即所谓的三分主星Triplicity)都是描述你个人特质的守护星体,Monomoiria和12th parts反映最终的天意。当入庙守护父母不在的时候,爷爷奶奶可能养你,当父母爷爷奶奶不在时,可能亲戚抚养你,而界主和三分主星可能描述你是个调皮的人还是严肃的人等等。3、
A、Domicile, Exaltation and Trigonal lordships demonstrate the interaction between planets in handling or managing a particular domicile or house;入庙,擢升,和Trigonal lordships(类似印度占星的敌友概念)展现了星体在处理宫位事宜互动关系,即入庙守护在整个星座层面没有与其守护星座对应宫位发生整宫联系时,很难处理该宫事宜。那么擢升守护如果整宫与指定宫位发生配置,那么擢升守护将接管该宫位事宜,如果擢升守护同样与指定宫位没有发生关联时(或该宫位没有擢升时),那么Trigonal lordships(类似印度占星的敌友概念)将接管该宫位事宜,如果同样没有发生上述说的配置,那么要看sect light(得时光体),如果以上都没有发生关联,那么该宫位对于盘主即处于无人管理的状态。此外如果以上守护对某指定宫位均有连接的话,那么如果星体的体性有矛盾的话,还可能涉及到权力的争夺,要看哪些星体的状况最好。B、Conine Lords reveal insight into the working principles that mold planets;界主展现的是星体的工作原则,界主类似形容词,副词极大地影响星体的运作。C、Trigon Lords show the nativity’s readiness to respond to motivation;三分主星展现的盘主的在某领域,某方面的动力,动机D、 Monomoira provide clues to the metaphysical underpinnings to the planets and points in the nativity, especially the AscendantMomomoiria展现的神秘的超自然的天意,命运,展现的星盘中星体的最终连接。4、A、Domicile Lords act as stewards or managers; responsibilities include providing resurces.入庙守护类似星座的管理者或者乘务经理,其担负的责任之一就是提供资源。即为宫内星提供资源。金星落土星主导的两个宫,摩羯或者水瓶,即可主导与年龄比自己大不少的人结婚,或者晚婚,不婚,婚姻痛苦。所谓的入庙宫主的功能之一就是为宫内星金星提供资源。B、Exalted Lords act as domicile owners or overseers; they can participate with the Domicile Lord in the management of the domicile.擢升守护是星座的true lord,星座的拥有者或者入庙守护的监工,入庙守护必须担负起擢升擢升守护的义务,比如土星在天秤守护,金星必须擢升土星,这或许可以解释为什么日秤的人冷漠,冷起来很冷,虚伪,为什么喜欢天秤男的女生会很痛苦(金星为女人的自然征象星)。为什么摩羯闷(土星必须擢升火星)C、Trigonal Lords are colleagues of the Domicile Lord and assist in the management of the domicile, but they have their own agenda.Trigonal Lords(类似印度占星的敌友概念)是入庙守护的同僚(比如类似亲戚的关系),可以协助管理指定宫的事宜,但是他们有自己的目的。D、 Conine Lords show fundamental operating principles or guidelines.界主展现的星体运作的根本原则,类似宫内星的形容词或者副词。E、 Monomoira or Degree Lords stamp individual degrees with a planetary identity度数守护Monomoira展现的是神秘的超自然的星体的神秘连接。F、Trigon Lords are sect-based Element Lords that show a planet’s ability to take advantage of motivation.三、感性认识后的理性认识(具体)1、Domicile Lord(所谓的宫主,入庙守护)A、the Domicile Lord in fact takes on the responsibility for providing resources for its domicile sign. Rather than acting as an authoritative ruler, the Domicile Lord acts more like a steward or superintendent - like an apartment building superintendent.点评:如上面所述,入庙守护担负的功能之一其实就是为宫内星提供处置的资源,金星落土星主导的两个宫,摩羯或者水瓶,即可能主导与年龄比自己大不少的人结婚,或者晚婚,不婚,婚姻痛苦。
B、Of course, the Domicile Lord provides according to its own nature - what Saturn supplies to Capricorn and Aquarius is going to be austere, stark and simple. In contrast, Jupiter’s provisions will be lush, extravagant and over-the-top. If a planet is in Capricorn and wants to sleep, Saturn will provide a simple blanket or mat on the loor. Jupiter will provide an elegant four-poster bed,while Mars might give up an Army cot.当然,入庙守护提供资源时是根据自己的星性提供的,比如在土星掌管的领域睡觉时,可能是普通的垫子,在木星掌管的星座睡觉时,可能是豪华的大床等等。
2、Exaltation Lord(擢升守护)A、Simply put, exaltation means to “raise up” or “lift up on high.” An Exalted Lord therefore is honored or gloriied by its sign. In the Greek household paradigm the Exalted Lord likely corresponds to the owner of the domicile or the head of household - which is not the same as the steward/superintendent Domicile Lord.点评:擢升在希腊占星相当于星座的“true lord",这也是为什么在星座层面也有星体的喜乐关系(星体的喜乐不止是宫位,如木11,日9等)。为什么,火星在天蝎喜乐于白羊,因为在白羊,火星负有擢升太阳的义务!擢升同样可以管理某宫的,某点位的事宜。如果与入庙守护的体性不同,那么可能在管理该宫事宜时可能会有一些有趣的冲突。
C、相关阅读:擢升守护与入庙守护,fall与detriment的关系及一些零碎的占星知识对占星中擢升系统的详细解释3、Trigonal Lord(类似印度占星敌友概念的守护)A、Trigonal Lords are simply the Domicile Lords of signs that are trigonal (the origina term for trine) to the sign under scrutiny. For example, if you’re examining Aries, the Sun and Jupiter are Trigonal Lords for Arie because the Sun is Domicile Lord of Leo and Jupiter is Domicile Lord of Sagittarius.Leo and Sagittarius are trigonal to Aries. Of course, in this case we ignore the Sun asTrigonal Lord of Aries as it is already the Exalted Lord of Aries.点评:Trigonal Lords即类似印度占星的敌友概念的,就是与某星座同元素的其他两个星座入庙守护,比如天秤座的Trigonal Lords为双子座的水星和水瓶座的土星。
B、Under certain conditions (see Example Chart section below) Trigonal Lords step in to assist the original Domicile Lord in the discharge of his or her duties. These Trigonal Lords act as colleagues or associates of the Domicile Lord - much like a building superintendent today mightcall upon a colleague for assistance at times. However, depending on the nature, condition and position of the Trigonal Lord, he or she might have ulterior motives that either support or interfere with the original Domicile Lord’s agenda.点评:Trigonal Lords在某些状况下是辅助星座的入庙守护管理该宫的事宜的,不过需要提醒基于Trigonal Lords的状况,星性不同,他们可能阻碍庙宫主的管理事宜。因为你的同事或者亲戚未必一定跟你友好相处。
4、Conine Lord(界主,也叫term ruler,bound lord,limits)A、Conine Lords supply a planet or astrological point with operating principles that provide a measure of guidance for the planet.Conine Lords show fundamental operating principles or guidelines.界主展现的星体运作的根本原则,类似宫内星的形容词或者副词。古典占星中,有描述,当金星落土星界,可能主盘主晚婚,不婚,婚姻痛苦,不育等等。这里,土星作为金星的形容词,限制金星的运作特质。当然也会有正面的含义。其他的例子:当火星落金星界的时候,金星讲作为火星的形容词,即可能产生奸夫妇、通奸者(火星的不道德属性将 conforms to the general signification of Aphroditē),这里的展现的是负面含义,也可能有正面的。就不赘述了。
B、具体的我写过日记阐述过,看以下日记。古典占星中界主(term ruler)的运用国外古典占星论坛精华帖子导读(不断更新)以金星水瓶、摩羯为例解释宫内星与宫主星、界主星的互动关系C、具体的界主的显示见前面的图
5、Trigon Lords(即所谓的三分主星Triplicity)A、The condition (as found in the nativity) of Trigon Lords for a particular planet or point in the chart shows how well the native takes advantage of motivation. As an analogy, you might have the baddest sailboat in the world, but if there is no motivating power (i.e. no wind) you’re not going anywhere no matter how beautiful your boat is. Only if the winds are favorable will you make signiicant progress! A universal technique in classical astrology is to examine the Trigon Lords of the Sect Light (Sun for a diurnal or day chart with Sun above the horizon; Moon for a nocturnal or night chart with Sun below the horizon). If they are favorably placed (favorable signs, angular houses, with the beneics Venus and/or Jupiter) then it’s reasoned that the horoscope as a whole is well motivated and the native will achieve signiicance. If not, then things will be more dificult (but not insurmountable) for the native.三分主星类似于某点位,宫位,星体处的动力,动机,目的,驱动能量等等B、三分主星的配置具体见前面的土,比如日生盘,天秤的三分主星为土,水,木,土星为主要三分主星,水星为代理三分主星,木星为共管主星,三者的地位作用是不同。日生天蝎,主要三分主星为金星,夜生的则为火星,如果主要三分主星代表动力,动机,驱动能量,天赋的话,日夜生的天蝎的人明显性格差很多,一个金星驱动,一个火星驱动。C、这方面的文章我写的比较少,以后会补上。日记里也写过不少,可以去找找,就不贴出来了。
6、Monomoira(degree ruler,具体到每个度数的ruler)A、In other lectures I’ve tied the immortal part of the Soul as posited by Plato to the astrological Ascending Degree. Following that line of thought I see the Monomoira Lord of the Ascending Degree as an imprint, mask or avatar for our Immortal Soul. This approach is supported by the term monomoira itself - mono of course meaning one and moira carrying the meaning of partor portion (degree) through to the concept of the nativity’s participation in Fate or destiny.In fact, the Moirae refer to the three Fates in Greek myth - Clotho (whose responsibilitywas choosing when people are born - a clear connection to the Ascending Degree andAscendant), Lachesis (who measures the span of a life; Lachesis also assists souls inchoosing their next life, assigning them lots in the process) and Atropos (who choosesthe manner and time of death.)我写过详细的文章,就不坠述了,Momomoiria展现的神秘的超自然的天意,命运,展现的星盘中星体的最终连接。是我们不朽灵魂的面具,烙印,阿凡达。我的命度Monomoiria,水星的Momomoria是水星,9宫主,落天赋宫11宫,居福点的9宫,对我来说,占星是宗教,信仰,天赋,不可逃避的命运。(命主落水星界,sect light落水星界,命度落水星界)B、相关阅读Monomoiria(单个度数守护)----失落的未被挖掘的占星利器?古典占星中关于盘主的日记和资料的整合以及点评7、12th partsA、12th parts展现的是星体运作的Outcome,星盘力量最终的汇聚,写过了就不赘述了B、相关阅读12分盘在占星中的地位和应用介绍(Dodekatemorion)8、decan/faceA、In some Hellenistic texts, a planet is interpreted in a decan similar to how it is interpreted in a sign in modern astrology. One clue can be found in Antiochus (10) where he tells us since the Sun signifies the matters of the soul, the decan in which the Sun is found describes the nature of his soul. For instance, when the Sun is in the first decan of the Ram, which is the face of Ares, the soul of the native is militant, in the third decan, that of Aphrodite, it is delineated as effeminate, etc. In fact, the Hellenistic astrologers interpreted the Sun in decans in something like the way in which modern astrologers interpret Sun signs. Hephaistio (1.1) gives delineations of a person’s character and physical appearance based upon the decan that is rising at birth.decan/face不属于lordship层面,据我了解用法类似现代的太阳星座的描述方法,比如太阳白羊的第一个界火星掌管,那么描述太阳落火星face,类似于盘主有火星样的特质,好战的,鲁莽,英勇的。但是这种描述可能只是face(看起来是这样的),看起来怎样不代表具体怎样,看起来漂亮未必代表婚姻幸福。